Locksmith | 3 Considerations When Changing The Locks Of Your Brand New Home

30 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog


When you buy a new home, you'll likely want to change all the locks for enhanced safety of you and your family, whether it has been lived in before or whether it is brand new. New locks assure you that your home is safe because no one else will be able to gain access. This guide is designed to help you with certain considerations when working with a locksmith to change the locks of your brand new home.

Identify All Areas Where Locks Need Changing

Your front door typically serves as the main entry and exit point, so it should be given first priority when it comes to installing new locks. You will need to get the main door lock cylinders changed immediately. This is necessary because the previous owner or tenant may have an extra pair of keys. You will also need to focus on changing your back door cylinder locks because this is also used for entry and exiting. Apart from the front and back door, you may also want to consider changing the locks of the garage, basement and windows. If you live in an apartment complex, be sure to let your building strata association know because these locks form part of the building's exterior and may be subject to certain conditions.

Establish The Types Of Locks You Want To Use

When you move to a new home, you will need to establish the type of locks you want to use. For instance, deadbolts tend to be highly secure, so you may want to use them on the front door. A deadbolt lock is open by turning a key without requiring spring action. You will also need to decide whether you want the lock to be built into the doorknob or whether you want it directly installed on the door. You can also choose locks like key-locking handles, multi-point locking systems and rim-automated dead latches for your front, back and garage doors.

Choose A Trustworthy Locksmith

Keep in mind that a fly-by-night locksmith will not serve your desire for enhanced safety well. You will need to ensure that your locksmith has sufficient knowledge of the type of locks you have in mind for your home. You should ideally look for a qualified locksmith who is a member of the Master Locksmiths Association of Australasia because they have all the State and Territory legislation licenses needed to operate in a safe and professional manner for your home. This will protect your home from poor installations, so you can rest easy knowing that you're safety is well taken care of.

Follow these key considerations when you work with a locksmith to change the locks of your brand new home.